Author: Rawi Rai
How to Remove the Header Logo’s Top and Bottom Gap in BigCommerce Cornerstone Theme
To eliminate the top and bottom spacing around the header logo in the BigCommerce Cornerstone theme, add the following CSS code to the end of your theme.scss file. For step-by-step instructions, check out this quick video guide on how to edit the theme.scss file. – quick video guide to edit theme.scss
bigcommerce vault theme search background fix
quick background color fix bigcommerce vault theme search background fix. paste below css at theme.scss last line follow guide – you need to change background color code base on your header. above code done base on –
bigcommerce cornerstone hover dropdown categories
bigcommerce cornerstone change menu from click to hover. paste below CSS at theme.scss last line. How to edit theme.scss
bigcommerce checkout – how to remove “Or continue with” text
To hide the “Or Continue With” text on the BigCommerce checkout page, you can use the BigCommerce Script Manager. Follow the steps below: Quick video guide
How to Use Different Logos for Your Store and Invoice in BigCommerce Stencil Theme
Use Different Logos for Your Store and Invoice in BigCommerce Stencil Theme BigCommerce Store: Dark and Light Logos White Logo on Store Causing Problems on Invoice Need Bigger Logo for Store and Smaller for Invoice Quick video guide.
How to add “starting from” before the prices – bigcommerce stencil theme
Use Product sale badges to display text before price. Steven Webb (Customer) asked a question. Adding “starting from” before the prices Is it possible to add “Starting From” to my theme, i have multiple options that alter the price and it currently displays the lowest price so customers get annoyed when the price changes on selection…
How to make Bigcommerce Cornerstone logo and navigation same line.
copy and paste below CSS at theme.scss last line — video guide – @include breakpoint("medium") { .header { display: block; &::after { content: ""; width: 100%; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; clear: both; display: block; } .header-logo { width: 200px; float: left !important; margin: 0px 1.5rem; .header-logo-image-container { min-height: auto; } } .navPages-container { float:…
Bigcommerce Change New Products Slider to a Grid like Featured Products.
[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Video”][/siteorigin_widget] copy and paste below code at /templates/components/products/new.html <h2 class="page-heading">{{lang '' }}</h2> <ul class="productGrid productGrid–maxCol{{ columns }}" data-product-type="products" data-list-name="New Products"> {{#each products}} <li class="product"> {{>components/products/card settings=../settings theme_settings=../theme_settings customer=../customer event="list" position=(add @index 1)}} </li> {{/each}} </ul> I don’t like the way the slider loads as it jumps when it loads. Plus I like the look…
How to use bigcommerce Using Script Manager
he BigCommerce Script Manager is a visual organization of scripts installed on your store. Any scripts applied by apps or created within the Script Manager are conveniently listed for easier management and access. This can help store owners see which scripts are installed on their site without having to search through several lines of code.…