Tag: stencil
increase number of product show at categories bigcommerce stencil themes
Quick video guide to increase number of product show at categories bigcommerce stencil themes
Bigcommerce stencil free theme fortune – how to show product image first instead description on the mobile?
for the theme fortune bright, the description shows first on the phone instead of the image. Can we switch that? https://support.bigcommerce.com/s/question/0D71B000005e7nF/for-the-theme-fortune-bright-the-description-shows-first-on-the-phone-instead-of-the-image-can-we-switch-that?s1oid=00D30000001FDCG&s1nid=0DB13000000Gmw5&emkind=chatterCommentNotification&s1uid=0051B00000Cdq7l&emtm=1556044481351&fromEmail=1&s1ext=0 QUICK VIDEO GUIDE
Add section to bigcommerce cornerstone stencil theme
I need to add a section between the main image (carrusel) and products section. This will be a still image with instructions on how to contact us. I know a little bit of html and css, is just I cannot find where to add this, thank you Alberto Villarreal QUICK VIDEO GUIDE – https://support.bigcommerce.com/s/question/0D71B000005dcsi/add-section-to-cornerstone-theme?s1oid=00D30000001FDCG&s1nid=0DB13000000Gmw5&emkind=chatterCommentNotification&s1uid=0051B00000Cdq7l&emtm=1553828950506&fromEmail=1&s1ext=0
how do I add a different google font to my bigcommerce stencil theme cornerstone
VIDEO GUIDE – How to add a different Google font to a Stencil theme https://support.bigcommerce.com/s/question/0D51B00004rAeNnSAK/how-do-i-add-a-different-google-font-to-my-stencil-theme
how to add phone number to header of bigcommerce stencil cornerstone
How to add phone number to header of bigcommerce stencil cornerstone? https://forum.bigcommerce.com/s/question/0D51B00004haDJj/add-phone-number-to-header-of-site?s1oid=00D30000001FDCG&OpenCommentForEdit=1&s1nid=0DB13000000Gmw5&emkind=chatterPostNotification&s1uid=0051B00000Cdq7l&emtm=1538160705122&fromEmail=1&s1ext=0 Add phone number to header of site Hi everybody. I am trying to add my phone number to the header of my site above gift certificates\sign in. Quick video Guide