Tag: bigcommerce
how to add phone number to header of bigcommerce stencil cornerstone
How to add phone number to header of bigcommerce stencil cornerstone? https://forum.bigcommerce.com/s/question/0D51B00004haDJj/add-phone-number-to-header-of-site?s1oid=00D30000001FDCG&OpenCommentForEdit=1&s1nid=0DB13000000Gmw5&emkind=chatterPostNotification&s1uid=0051B00000Cdq7l&emtm=1538160705122&fromEmail=1&s1ext=0 Add phone number to header of site Hi everybody. I am trying to add my phone number to the header of my site above gift certificates\sign in. Quick video Guide
how to add code to header or footer – bigcommerce stencil theme?
Here is quick video guide helps you add code to header or footer. Daniel Steinberg (Customer) asked a question. How do I add code to my <head>? I’m using a FB messenger platform and there is a snippet of code to add to site for visitors to opt-in. It says to place it into the…