Bigcommerce Design Studio

how to upload bigcommerce stencil theme – Uploading a Custom Theme?

Uploading a Custom Theme

1. Go to Storefront › My Themes.

2. Click the Upload Theme button by the My Themes heading below the Current Theme.

Upload Theme button at the top of the My Themes section

3. Drag the ZIP file into the Upload Theme pop-up window, or you can Select theme from your computer.

Area to drag your ZIP file into, and a button to select a ZIP file from your computer

4. Once the ZIP file has uploaded, a theme card will appear under My Themes showing theme processing progress. Click Cancel if you want to halt processing and start over.

A theme card will appear showing the progress in processing the new custom theme

5. After processing, a new custom theme card will appear under My Themes. If your theme was unable to be successfully processed, you will be presented with a screen detailing any errors encountered. Ensure your theme meets all the custom theme upload requirements.

A custom theme card under My Themes