Category: stencil
Better Bigcommerce vault free theme
use below CSS with below video guide <style> #menu .mega-cat-dropdown + .navPage-subMenu-horizontal.second-level-flyout .page.inactive-page { position : relative; display : block; z-index : 1 !important; height : auto !important; margin-top : 0px !important; opacity : 1 !important; transition : none; } header div#menu { z-index: 9; } { display : none; } .mega-cat-dropdown li.navPages-item…
always visible “Add to cart” button bigcommerce cornerstone theme
Quick video guide for always visible “Add to cart” button at product card category bigcommerce cornerstone theme
How to Change Sale Now Price to red using Bigcommerce stencil theme
Another most repeat asked question at Bigcommerce forum Paste below code at footer script <style> .price-section–withoutTax span.price { color: red; } .price-section–withoutTax.non-sale-price–withoutTax span.price , .price-section–withoutTax.rrp-price–withoutTax span.price { color: #343434; } </style> [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Image”][/siteorigin_widget]
How to add SVG logo in bigcommerce stencil cornerstone theme
How to add SVG logo in bigcommerce stencil cornerstone theme
How do I place logo and header navigation on same line using bigcommerce cornerstone stencil theme?
using the Cornerstone theme and have left aligned my logo and header navigation. How do I place them both on the same line? paste below css into footer script
Remove bigcommerce cornerstone theme unwanted header and footer space.
Remove bigcommerce cornerstone theme unwanted header and footer space frequently asked question at bigcommerce community forum. copy and paste below CSS at footer script <style> .header-logo { margin: 0rem auto 0rem; } .footer { padding: 1rem 0; } .footer-payment-icons { margin-top: 0rem; } .footer-info-col { margin-bottom:1rem; } </style>
Add section to bigcommerce cornerstone stencil theme
I need to add a section between the main image (carrusel) and products section. This will be a still image with instructions on how to contact us. I know a little bit of html and css, is just I cannot find where to add this, thank you Alberto Villarreal QUICK VIDEO GUIDE –
How do I change the background color on one specific page ? bigcommerce cornerstone stencil theme here is guide edit theme files – open templates/layout/base.html find <body> replace with <body class=”{{ page.title }}{{}}{{product.title}}”> debug your page to fine new body CSS of that page. code new CSS with that body name.